There are many cultural expressions of the importance of Self-Awareness. Statements such as Know Thyself and To Thine Own Self Be True have been around for centuries. Most of us have been exposed to the idea that we need to understand ourselves in order to have a better life. This idea forms the bedrock of most forms of counseling psychology and other personal change approaches.
What might not be as clear to most of us is how important self-awareness is in leading others. In fact, the research shows that an accurate knowledge and understanding of oneself is the most important skill of leadership.
Self-awareness is just what it sounds like—the ability to know oneself, to be aware of one’s own strengths and areas for improvement. Leaders and managers who have strong self-awareness understand their goals, values, beliefs, feelings, strengths, and limitations. They are able to use this information to guide decision-making.
When people lack self-awareness, they are unable to express the clear vision necessary to lead. If one’s self-perception differs greatly from the perception of others around them, it leads to feeling like others don’t understand them.
Also, when someone has poor self-awareness, others may see the resulting confusion acted out in the leadership setting. Poor self-understanding also leads to inconsistent behavior which confuses those we lead.
Take a moment and ask yourself, how well do you:
• Understand your personal abilities and competencies
• Understand what affects your performance
• Know your values, goals and beliefs and use them well to guide your decisions and actions
• Take time to think about important issues quietly and alone
• Strike a balance between self-criticism and hopefulness?
These are some of the attributes of leadership included in The Lions Leader Manager Assessment. Ray Hoskins and Associates use this assessment. It helps our clients assess their leadership competencies. We then work with clients to help them identify which changes they can make to lead, and indeed, live more effectively. It does all begin with knowing yourself.
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