So You Got That Promotion, Now What?

Some of us really want to be leaders. We work hard in our positions, hoping to be noticed as stellar performers in our area of work so we can be promoted. When the opportunity comes, we apply for that management job, secure in our knowledge of our area of work, and we get hired.
For many of us, it doesn’t take long to realize that expertise in our previous position, while useful isn’t enough. Being a good doer, can actually be a handicap in becoming a good leader and manager. What are your options:
1. Put our heads down and “fake it till we make it”. Perhaps we watch our own manager (who may not be the greatest) hoping to learn by osmosis what we need to do.
2. Begin to study, read leadership books, watch TED talks, perhaps even take a course or two on leadership and management.
3. Be systematic in our strategy. Working with Ray Hoskins and Associates, you
⁃ Assess your existing strengths and challenges using a competency-based assessment.
⁃ Assess priorities for immediate change.
⁃ Develop a leadership development plan.
⁃ Work with an experienced Leadership Advisor to help you make best use while developing and following a plan to become the leader you want to be.

Ray Hoskins and Associates can help new and existing leaders become stronger and succeed in their leadership positions.  Contact Us