Generative Coaching

I like to help people thrive. If I had my way, we would all have positive, connected lives with great meaning, joy and purpose. I know a few people who achieve this, and I believe it has become more challenging over the years, at least in the United States. Thriving requires both a strong connection to something greater than ourselves, and a strong sense of self and personal purpose. There is very little in U.S. Culture that provides a map or path to creating a Thriving life. One tool is Generative Coaching.

Generative Coaching focuses on creating the life you may not even know you want yet. It is not just understanding what you need and want, but understanding your beliefs, values and purpose underlying these. It is about being sure that you are pursuing the goals, paths and strategies that give your life deep meaning while achieving the most important things for you.

Generative Coaching can help you dive beneath culturally scripted stories, goals and strategies and help you understand what stories, goals and strategies are best for you.

I chose this approach several years when I first began to intuit, then had illustrated to me, the limitations of the problem-solution framework. If you go to a coach, or therapist to solve a problem, and you succeed, you will be the same person, on the same life path with one less problem. Or, you might have an unsolvable problem, that you develop new strategies to make the problem less severe. These are useful outcomes, and every Coach does some of this work, including me.

I prefer to do a more global approach, and to see that problems are often side-effects of broader life strategies. I like to work on being emotionally balanced, spiritually awake, creating inner peace, and getting rid of problems that lacking those traits causes. In short, I want to help my clients Generate meaningful, balanced, thriving lives.

This kind of work is complicated, and may happen in phases. It includes health habits, skills of relating, and analyzing values, beliefs and purpose. If this sounds like it might be something you want, let me know.
