Things are So Different

I have spent all of my adult life being a counselor, then a coach and consultant In total, I have served others in one of these capacities for over 50 years. So, since early 1973 I have had a role of doing what I can to help others thrive, improve their lives, and/or solve problems.

As I am still reeling from the last episode of shooting up a school, I realize how much more difficult my work has become. It isn’t that my clients have changed that much. They are still individuals wanting to improve their lives, or organizations that want help in being more effective with their clients, employees or customers. What has drastically changed is cultural context. It isn’t like our United States culture has every really provided great support for its citizens to thrive. Perhaps the last time that happened was post WWII with all the college help for many. Helping clients thrive has always been something that happened in a society that was largely neutral to the plight of its individual members.

Now, our culture has been largely destroyed. Much of this has been purposeful for both financial power for the wealthy and political power for politicians and those with political agendas.

That means my clients come to me, not only with what they would like to achieve in their lives, but fighting a sense of powerlessness that has been enhanced by current cultural dynamics. For one, since wages have been flat for workers for over 50 years, it is difficult to envision a thriving future where working for someone else will be both secure and provide increased income to address your needs.

Workplace culture has also become more toxic, with frequent rude behavior and over 70% of workers at least witnessing workplace bullying. There is pressure to do more with less, and very poor leadership in many organizations. The ethics of corporations have also, in my observations, became non-existent.

While unemployment is currently low, there are few occupations that really offer an ability, especially for younger, beginning workers. ‘

As a result, coaching now usually starts with getting to just okay, helping someone get stable and secure first. Then touching base later with helping them move towards thriving.

Between the divisive leadership of the country, and their success creating division and the wealth inequality and policies undermining the working classes, we have many factors that lead to coaching often being more of an uphill battle.

Having said all this, Coaching has also become commensurately more valuable. Clients come to me now with much more frequent feelings of being stuck and confused about how to navigate the world.

It shouldn’t be more difficult to thrive in the world’s richest country, but, for many, it is. The idea that people can figure things out and make it on their own is less and less feasible I will continue to help. I will also feel free to complain from time to time.