I have received great feedback on my posts outlining the developmental tasks for those over 50. We seniors are too often treated in similar ways as children in our culture. The needs for inclusion, contribution and meaning do not go away with age.
There are those who advise against retirement because of this. Most Baby Boomers lack the kind of funds to spend large amounts of money on travel, having multiple vacation homes, etc.. So, we usually have to find ways to transition to meaningful lives in our own communities or in new communities where we know few people. The last two developmental stages of our lives are usually about integrity, accepting our mortality, and leaving a legacy. Here are questions I have designed for my older clients. I hope they might be helpful for some of my followers here.
What things have you liked doing before? Can we find a way to do them again or try something new that's similar?
Are there any cool things you wanted to learn or do but didn't have time? Maybe now's a good time to try them!
What are some things you're really good at? How can we use those strengths to make your life more fun?
Are there clubs or groups in your town that you might like? Joining can help you meet new friends and use your skills to help others.
What has stopped you from doing fun things before? Let's work together to find ways around those problems.
What would make your life really great? Let's think of small steps we can take to make it happen.
Do you have friends or family who could help you find new things to do? They might have great ideas too!
Are there any free or cheap classes or workshops you can take to learn something new and interesting?
How can we add more exercise to your daily routine? Moving around more can help you feel better and more focused.
Can you think of a part-time or work-from-home job that you might like? It could help you earn extra money while doing something fun.
What is one thing you want to do in the next month? Let's make a plan to help you achieve it.
How can we check your progress and change your plan if needed, to make sure you're moving towards a great life?
What things are most important to you right now? How can we use those values to help you find new activities and goals?
Are there any causes you really care about? You could use your time and skills to help make the world a better place.
What do you want to be remembered for when you're not here anymore? Let's think of ways to leave something special for others.
Are there any creative things like writing, drawing, or playing music that you'd like to try? This can be a fun way to share your values and leave something special behind.
How can your dream of leaving something great behind help you make short-term and long-term goals? We can make a plan to make sure you're doing things that fit with your dreams.
Are there any people who have done amazing things that you admire? What can you learn from their stories to help you on your own path?
By asking these questions, we can make a plan that's just right for you. Your values, dreams, and ideas about leaving a special mark on the world will help us create a fun and interesting life together.